Our school follows a set of core expectations at the Infants which are integral to our learning and ethos.
Children at Court Lane Infant Academy are involved in setting codes of behaviour agreements for the classroom and school environment (e.g playtimes/outdoor learning)
Children at Court Lane Infant Academy are encouraged to be respectful of the law and the rules that support them in their learning.
The school’s behaviour and anti-bullying policies set a zero tolerance for any form of aggression, abuse or violence; this extends to pupils, staff and parents/carers.
The principles around the rule of law are explored within the curriculum, through assemblies and by making use of visits from the local police community support officer and outside agencies where appropriate.
Pupils at Court Lane Infant Academy are helped to distinguish right from wrong through our personal development learning as part of the (PSHE) curriculum.
Children consider the feelings of others as a result of their actions. Learners articulate why they need to behave in school.
The school promotes pupil voice and empowers children to discuss and make choices about things that they believe to be important.
Opportunities exist to debate topics of interest and children’s views on their school are heard regularly through discussion, Court Lane Ideas Squad, Eco Squad and pupil surveys.
Our ‘Philosophy for Children’ learning provides further opportunity for children to deepen their understanding on a variety of topics; a window on themselves, their school and the world around them.
The principals of democracy are explored within the curriculum, through assemblies, realistic voting opportunities are given (Infant School learning behaviour weekly nominations).
Pupils have a big input into what they want to learn (pre-learning activities) and teachers use this to inform planning.
Individual Liberty:
As members of the Court Lane community, children are encouraged, and given the freedom to make choices, knowing they are in a safe and supportive environment. They have a choice in the level of challenge and ways to record/respond to their learning.
Children are given opportunities and are encouraged to take responsibility for their learning and behaviour; The Learning Keys dispositions and learning behaviours have been developed with the children to reflect their growing independence and ability to think for themselves.
Through the school’s PSHE curriculum, including e-safety, children are taught how to exercise their rights and personal freedoms safely.
A strong anti-bullying and behaviour culture exists across the school community and children are free from any prejudice driven behaviour; the school is successful in its promotion of positive relationships and ensuring that there is no discrimination.
Key roles have been established for the children at Court Lane Infant Academy which provide a wide range of opportunities to take responsibility and develop their leadership potentials e.g. Responsibility Stars, the School Council, Learning Squad, Prefects, Librarians, Peer Mentors and Tour Guides.
Through Court Lane Crystal Passports, enrichment and extra-curricular clubs programme, children are given opportunities to make choices and develop personal skills.
Mutual Respect & Tolerance of Different Faiths and Beliefs
Respect is an expectation for all and is shown in our school community.
The PSHE and RE curriculums provide opportunities for children to explore difference e.g. faith, ethnicity, disability, gender or sexuality and differences in family situations.
At Court Lane Infant Academy we offer a culturally rich and diverse curriculum in which major religions are studied and respected; themed topics also enable children to explore and deepen their understanding of current and global issues.
Staff and children at Court Lane Infant Academy are encouraged to challenge prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour.
Assemblies, circle time and P4C enquiries encourage pupils to explore themes around contestable concepts, bullying and prejudice and this is supported by learning in PSHE & RE.
The values of equality, respect and fairness are key elements of the school’s culture and sports provision.
The school encourages the use of both visits and visitors to widen children’s experiences of culture and faith.
Restorative practice is implemented to operate within our values and culture, to treat each other with respect, empathy and tolerance.
Pause themed weeks often include opportunities for children to learn about life and cultures in different countries and reflect.