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  • Catering/Meals

    Our school meals are provided by Caterlink and are free to all children in Years R, 1 and 2 as part of the Universal Infant School Meals funding.

    Please find below a copy of the current dinner menu to download.

    Packed Lunches

    Children may bring a packed lunch to school. We ask that the following rules made in the interests of the children are followed:

    • Packed lunches, which should be sandwich based, must be brought in a lunch box, clearly marked on the lid, with the child's name and class. Please include spoons, straws (if needed) and a piece of kitchen roll or a napkin.
    • Water is served to all children staying on the premises at lunch time so children do not need to bring extra drinks. However, if a drink is provided in a lunch box, please ensure it is in a plastic bottle or a waxed carton. NO glass bottles, flasks, cans or fizzy drinks are permitted. Children having a school dinner are not permitted to bring their own additional drinks. Water is available to the children with their school dinner.
    • Whilst a biscuit covered in chocolate is acceptable in a lunch box, e.g. kit kat or penguin, bars of chocolate or sweets are not.

    In order to safeguard the children who are at risk from an anaphylactic shock (severe allergic reaction) we have banned, CHOCOLATE SPREAD, PEANUTS, and NUT RELATED PRODUCTS. Please DO NOT put any of these items in your child's lunchbox.

    Nut Free School – Parkside Community Primary School