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Volunteers in School


Many parents and carers offer valuable assistance to school, especially given our large cohorts and with the current funding arrangements we are often stretched.

You can make a huge difference to our organisations whether it's reading with children, getting involved in outdoor play, gardening, or utilising your creative, physical, musical or artistic skills. In order to fulfil adult / pupil ratios for any offsite trips, we welcome you supporting educational visits / events.

There is a daily need for the preparation of fruit, vegetables and milk for classes. Historically many parents have volunteered on a day that suits them as soon as they have dropped their children into class and leave within half an hour or sooner if more than one volunteer that day.

Our Court Lane Academies site team would welcome any assistance or suggestions you can offer in maintaining this large site so it is purposeful, safe and well cared for by our community. Look out for 'Grounds Days' earmarked each year.

CLACA, our PTA work tirelessly to put on fun events to raise much needed funds for the school. They are always looking for more members and ad-hoc volunteers, if you would like to find out more, please contact the school office.

As standard procedure all regular parent volunteers must agree to undergo a Disclosure and Barring Service check.

Parents or carers helping in school, support in classes other than their own child's class.

Parents and carers are free to volunteer to support their child's class on school educational visits although their own child will not be usually placed in the group under their supervision unless specifically asked to do so.

Parents are politely requested to switch off their mobile phone whilst helping on educational visits.

If you are able to offer help, please contact the school office.