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SEND Provision

Court Lane Infant School is committed to providing an inclusive curriculum for all, regardless of need or ability, which will enable children to flourish. We work hard to address the needs of the whole child, to ensure that our children are healthy, safe, challenged, engaged and supported. Instilling a love of learning in all our children is essential and ensures that they have the building blocks to empower them to become life-long learners.

In order to fulfil this vision we are committed to:

  • identifying and assessing pupils with SEN as early and thoroughly as is possible
  • ensuring full access and entitlement to high quality education which is broad and balanced
  • fully involve children, parents and staff through a graduated approach of ‘assess, plan, do and review’
  • Ensuring that all children are fully involved in the life of the school
  • Ensuring that all children are involved in decision-making which affects them

Court Lane Infant School recognises the entitlement of all children to a broad and balanced curriculum which is fully inclusive. The Governing Body will ensure that appropriate provision is made for all children with SEND.

If you would like to know more about our SEND provision or have any questions regarding your own child please speak to Mrs Ventham our SENCO or Mrs Wilson-Woodham, Deputy Head of School.